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INTAMSYS (short for INTelligent Additive Manufacturing SYStems) is a world-leading high-tech company that provides 3D printing and industrial additive manufacturing solutions for high-performance materials. It was co-founded by a team of engineers from world-class high-tech companies who have been engaged in precision equipment development and high-performance material research for many years. Focusing on aerospace, automotive, manufacturing, consumer goods, healthcare, research and other industries, the company provides comprehensive additive manufacturing solutions ranging from functional test prototypes, tool and fixture manufacturing to direct series production of final products, covering equipment, software, high-performance materials and printing services. Headquartered in Shanghai, China, it was founded in 2016. Since then, the company has two regional sales, operations and service center offices in Stuttgart, Germany and Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Internationally, INTAMSYSs partner network locally delivers and supports its cutting-edge 3D printing solutions, which are optimized for the specific needs of industries and organizations.
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