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Tallysman Wireless
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Tallysman Wireless
Tallysman® is a developer, manufacturer and provider of GNSS, Iridium antennas and accessories, supporting customers engaged in a wide range of satellite positioning, navigation and data applications. Headquartered in Ottawa, Canada, Tallysman specializes in high-function, high-performance technologies and solutions. Our core competencies include digital wireless networking, RF and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) component design. Talisman with its Akutenna® and Villasyan® technologies and the more recently introduced VeroStar TM and Helix innovations. These technologies have proven themselves to provide the highest performing antennas for size and weight (low axial ratio, high multipath signal rejection, tight PCV) while setting a low economic price point. Talisman’s antennas are the antenna of choice for a wide variety of applications.
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